The series follows seven specialized animal psychics who help humans communicate with their pets through thought. They can then pass on their message to their owners. They help people who are looking for their lost cat, horse trainers who want to improve their champion’s performance, or owners who are grieving the loss of their pet.
Dive into the world of animal communication and follow these six women as they meet animals across Quebec. From the Gaspé Peninsula to Frampton and the Montérégie, they have only one objective in mind: the well-being of animals.
With the participation of
Caroline Beauchamp
Lili-Anne Beaulac
Émilie Desmond
Caroline Forget
Caroline Leroux
Stéphanie Ouellette
Coordinating director
Brian Desgagné
Brian Desgagné
Noémie Jolicoeur-Laforest
Scriptwriter, Creator, Content producer
Marie-Ève Potvin
Supervising producer
Marie-Hélène Tremblay
Line producer
Claudie Gravel