The documentary series Fais un homme de toi follows the quest of well-known personalities, as they experiment with the hard ways of life of their ancestors. Guided by an expert who is well versed in the knowledge and challenges of their ancestors, the celebrity learns, not without difficulty, how to use the tools of the time. Sweat, discomfort, and stress will ensue!!
Through the inevitable twists and turns of the difficult challenge, Fais un homme de toi is a colorful look at the strong men of today, champions of communication, as they discover the strength and manual skills of their ancestors.
Screenwriter and director
Nicolas Houde Sauvé
Editing director
Frédéric Leblanc
Production manager
Sarah Bussière
Line producer
Marie-Pierre Corriveau
Jacques W. Lina
Executive producers
Bruno Dubé
Robert Montour