Rénover pour louer

Quebec is an important global hub for short-term rentals. Rénover pour louer follows young designer Camille Charland Perez as she works on various short-term rental unit renovation mandates. To help her clients market their units, Camille will be assisted by specialists who will advise her on regulations, insurance and licensing. Here, every dollar invested must pay off. There are many twists and turns and plans are constantly changing. How will Camille change the look of the unit, create an experience and generate maximum clicks… all for less?

Rénover pour louer is an incredible source of renovation ideas, decorating ideas, but also information for those who might be tempted to get into the short-term rental business.


Michel Johnson

Supervising producer

Marie-Hélène Tremblay

Line producers

Michel Johnson
Marc-Alexandre Larouche

Executive producers

Bruno Dubé
Robert Montour
Josée Vallée
Renée Mouchawar
Mélanie d’Astous
